Monday, September 10, 2007

TPG's Attempt to Purchase PGE - Extensive News and Commentary Archive

The following 142 page report chronicles news stories and related commentary surrounding the Texas Pacific Group's bid to acquire Portland General Electric. The purpose of this archive, with dates ranging from August 26, 1998 to October 25, 2005, was to provide material to various parties involved in defeating the proposal. It is especially useful using key word browser searches, for example searching using the term, David Bonderman, CEO of TPG.

Included in the report is extensive commentary regarding Neil Goldschmidt's business practices because Goldschmidt was the point person for TPG. This includes his involvement in Renaissance Capital, a credit card company, for which he was paid $6 million as a board member. During this period interest rate ceilings were lifted in Oregon due to a succesful lobbying effort and what resulted was explosive growth in predatory lending.

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