Monday, September 10, 2007

OIC Hosts NW Natural CEO Mark Dodson

In June the Oregon Investment Council held its annual planning session and included a special presentaiton from NW Natural CEO Mark Dodson on Carbon limits and other energy topics. This is the same Mark Dodson whose firm NW Natural tried to acquire PGE with funding from the Texas Pacific Group. In addition, the law firm at which Dodson was managing partner prior to joining NW Natural, Atre Wynne, shared office space with Neil Goldschmidt and his partner Tom Imeson and did most of the legal work in Texas Pacific's separate later attempt to acquire PGE a second time.

The June 27, 2007 meeting minutes also note that a key topic was "socially responsible investment" and "sustainability" issues.

It was not disclosed whether OIC Chairman Solomon, a practicing CPA, does tax work for Dodson or any other executives at NW Natural. What is known is that NW Natural and Warren Buffett's Pacific Power have expended considerably time and energy in trying to upend a law that prevents utilities from charging ratepayers for taxes that they do not ultimately remit to the various taxing authorities. In addition, Dodson and Buffett tried to unseat Senator Vicky Walker form Eugene even though the legislation she sponsored was widely praised as an outstanding reform to the system.

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