Monday, September 10, 2007

PR Newswire and Business Wire - Soviet Style Journalism?

Opposed to the sale of the Dow Jones Corporation, which owns the Wall Street Journal and Barrons, to Rupert Murdoch, I issued the following press release on PR Newswire, Parish Opposes Dow Jones Sale.

Much to my surprise, PR Newswire did not post the press release in the manner expected because, according to its own policy, the company which is being written about must sign off on the release. For example, if I choose to include Microsoft's ticker symbol in a release, which is key to gaining an adequate distribution, Microsoft has to sign off on the release. PR Newswire will not exercise its own editorial judgement because they do not want to offend its corporate clients.

One need only read the release I did to see that it squarely fits PR Newswire's own description of news worthiness. They supressed it because the Dow Jones Corporation and Rupert Murdoch would not approve it.

Attention on line users of PR Newswire and Business Wire content, readers beware.

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